Are you a teacher leader, literacy coach, or curriculum coordinator?
We know this can be a busy (and sometimes lonely) position!
Do you:
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Scroll down for information and resources created just for teacher leaders, literacy coaches, and curriculum coordinators!
You don’t have to do it alone!
Enter your information to join the community. Receive the free ebook shown below in your email, then watch for biweekly newsletters with information, resources, and access to our freebie library!
You may be the only literacy leader on a campus, or you may be part of a very small team responsible for leading an important part of a school district. Either way, your plate is FULL!
You are great at building relationships, so let’s create some time for you to do that!
If you are overwhelmed by the size of your tasks and you need materials and resources to complete your to-do list in a short time!
because I still am!
My experience with PK-12 grade learners and my current position make this work current and relevant!
at the drop of a hat!
I LOVE delivering PD to our teachers, and I hope my training enhancers help you love it, too!
and have to serve many masters at once!
You are in the unique position to influence the direction of your district, but you need time to reflect and plan your strategies! I hope these materials give you some of that!
I am a proud P.E.O. sister! To learn more about grant, scholarship, and low-percentage educational loans we offer to women for their education, please check out our projects at
Visit our social media channels and drop me a direct message to let us know what we can create for you!