Conflict and Plot Line Interventions and Practice


Do you deliver MTSS or other support to student? Here’s everything you need for your students to build missing background knowledge and apply it to developing plot diagrams – both linear and nonlinear – through conflict and plot line interventions and practice items – more than 450 pages worth!

Help students understand when to use a beginning, middle, end story line (no conflict) and when to use a plot diagram (with conflict). Incorporate nonlinear plot line elements to take this to the next level!

This bundle includes both Conflict and Plot Intervention and Plot Line Manipulative items for more than 450 pages of materials!


Conflict is a complex part of a plot line, yet many of our striving readers do not understand its role with plot lines. That’s where these conflict and plot line interventions and practice activities come in! Here’s everything you need for your students to build missing background knowledge and apply it to developing plot diagrams – both linear and nonlinear – more than 450 pages worth of lessons, story cards, plot diagrams, and more!!

Help students understand when to use a beginning, middle, end story line (no conflict) and when to use a plot diagram (with conflict). Sort task cards into those that use conflict and those that do not. Read a story and identify plot line elements. Then use the manipulatives to create table-size plot lines for discussion and plotting! Incorporate nonlinear plot line elements to take this to the next level!

This bundle includes both Conflict and Plot Interventions and Plot Line Manipulative items for more than 450 pages of materials!

Read more about these concepts on this blog post, too.

Read more about each individual file:

Conflict and Plot Interventions

Plot Diagram Manipulatives (Linear and Nonlinear)

Support these standards: CCSS: CCRA.R.5, CCRA.R.3, RL.9-10.5, RL.7.3, RL.6.3 and TEKS 6.7.C, 7.7.C, 8.7.C

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