Reading Comprehension Intervention: Teaching Conflict and Plot – Build It! Series


Do you provide reading comprehension intervention for secondary students in the area of literary text? If so, this is for you! Teaching conflict and plot has never been so easy – even through reading comprehension intervention!

Students are often confused about plot components and how they match to the plot diagram.

This MORE THAN THREE DAYS of lessons and materials to PRINT AND GO starts where students are – at the understanding conflict level.

With more than 115 pages, this is what you receive:

Day 1Concept and Types of Conflict: scripted lesson with all materials – including three sizes of Plot Labels and a hands-on, engaging lesson to build understanding of conflict. Also included: an additional practice set of task formats if students still need practice.

Day 2: Understanding Rising Action: scripted lesson with all materials – including two sets of story-order cards for hands-on, engaging practice to understand how conflict moves a story forward. Also included: an additional practice set of flat or rising conflict task cards for students still in need of practice.

Day 3: Applying Conflict to Plot Diagram: scripted lesson with all materials – including three sizes (20 pages each) of Plot Diagrams to provide a hands-on, engaging lesson for understanding how a plot diagram represents the growth of the conflict throughout the story.

All manipulative pieces are formatted to print on Avery Products (#8387/5689/generic) and 5392 OR print on colored paper, laminate, and cut.


Do you provide reading comprehension intervention for secondary students? Do you need something to support your literary text instruction?  If so, this is for you! Teaching conflict and plot has never been so easy – even through reading comprehension intervention!

Students are often confused about plot components and how they match to the plot diagram.

This MORE THAN THREE DAYS of lessons and materials to PRINT AND GO starts where students are – at the understanding conflict level.

With more than 115 pages to support your reading comprehension intervention, this is what you receive:

Day 1Concept and Types of Conflict:

Scripted lesson with all materials – including three sizes of Plot Labels and a hands-on, engaging lesson to build understanding of conflict. Also included: an additional practice set of task formats if students still need practice.

Day 2: Understanding Rising Action:

Scripted lesson with all materials – including two sets of story-order cards for hands-on, engaging practice to understand how conflict moves a story forward. Also included: an additional practice set of flat or rising conflict task cards for students still in need of practice.

Day 3: Applying Conflict to Plot Diagram:

Scripted lesson with all materials – including three sizes (20 pages each) of Plot Diagrams to provide a hands-on, engaging lesson for understanding how a plot diagram represents the growth of the conflict throughout the story.

All manipulative pieces are formatted to print on Avery Products (#8387/5689/generic) and 5392 (affiliate links). It is also easy to print on colored paper, laminate, and cut apart.

Want to know more about intervention with a plot diagram? See this blog. (The price of this product reflects the pages without the plot diagrams; this product includes all plot diagrams.)

This product supports CCSS: RL.7.3., CCRA.R.3, CCRA.R.5; TEKS LA.6.7.C and LA.7.7C and provides intervention level support for comprehending text on level, understanding nonlinear plot lines, and addresses Texas Reading Elective TEKS b.7.C.

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