Take your reading instruction to the next level with this on-demand literacy professional development for teachers and tutors. Whether you are looking for science of reading professional development, or reading professional development that will show you how to improve reading fluency in all your students, this two-hour on-demand course was built with you in mind!
Here’s what you’ll learn in 5 modules:
- Focus on fluency – You’ll learn how fluency looks different for students in grades 5 and up.
- Instruct fluency – Implement small changes in your instruction at Tier 1, all students!
- Rate fluency – Come away with an understanding of silent and oral reading fluency assessments that indicate need for support.
- Support fluency – Ten interventions are modeled for you to put in action immediately, including word level, phrase level, and passage level supports.
- Transfer fluency – Share your understanding of fluency respectfully with peer educators and parents!