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colorful yarn tied around lightbulb shape to illustrate nonfiction text structure understanding an idea
Comprehension & Genres

Nonfiction Text Structures

Understanding the relationship of ideas in text Beginning Early Older students have been learning the underlying concepts necessary to understand nonfiction text structures for years.

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the word plot typed on vintage typewriter in traditional font used as a header on a blog about different plot diagrams and lines
Comprehension & Genres

Plot Diagrams and Lines

Why the hats, mountains, and roller coasters don’t tell the whole story Earliest Stories Our youngest children, from birth to kindergarten, often experience stories told

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middle school reading intervention

Hi, I'm Terri!

As an experienced teacher, trainer, and leader, I blog about working with striving adolescent readers and the wonderful educators who teach them (and occasionally, the stuff that makes juggling this job and a family easier)!

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